
亲爱的B3顾客您好,附件是您的【云端INVOICE】,请在付款后通知我们以便续费您的云端账户。如果云端账户确认过期了,顾客需要额外支付RM200的重新激活费,并把OUTSTANDING BILL缴清了才能重新激活【B3CAFE】。

温馨提示 :


Dear B3 Customers,
The attachment is your [CLOUD INVOICE], please notify us after made payment to renew your Cloud account. If the Cloud account is confirmed expired, the customer will need to pay additional RM200 reactivation fee, and pay the OUTSTANDING BILL in order to reactivate [B3CAFE].

Friendly Reminder:
-[B3CAFE Cloud Version] After the Cloud expired, [B3CAFE] will no longer able to operate. Failure to renew within 3 months will cause activation code to be automatically deleted, and will require to repurchase when customer would like to use it again.
- [B3CAFE Standalone Version] Will be automatically deleted if do not connect to the Internet within 3 months period, and will require to repurchase when customer would like to use it again.
- For customers who currently using [B3CAFE Standalone Version], please contact as soon as possible to upgrade into [B3CAFE Cloud Version], due to [B3CAFE Standalone Version] will be discontinued and no longer be supported soon, stay tuned for our updates on the discontinuation date.