• Data Security / 数据保障

We guarantee a 99.99% uptime on network availability. Don’t worry about data loss, we got it covered.

我们保证99.99% 的正常运作时间(连接网络的情况下)。您不必再担心数据丢失了,放心交给我们处理吧。


  • Convenient backup and recovery of data / 更方便地备份与恢复数据

We provide live time data backup and recovery, which will be done automatically. No need to upload data yourself manually, we will do everything for you.



  • Cost-Efficient /经济划算 

If using external drives, you will only get more storage by paying more, and external drives may eventually break down or get stolen, and you will lose all your data. By using B3CAFE Cloud, we provide you unlimited and secure data storage, and most importantly, we are affordable.

若您使用外置硬盘,您得付高价才能使用更多的数据储存空间,而且还可能面临外置硬盘损坏后被偷窃的问题。只要您使用B3CAFE 云端服务,我们为您提供无限及安全的数据储存空间,最重要的是,我们并不贵。


  • Manage business remotely /远程管理业务

With B3CAFE Cloud, owners can now monitor and manage their internet cafe business remotely using laptop, mobile phone, or Ipad. Owners can monitor the daily sales report, staffs’ activity backlog and so much more from home, so convenient! We also provide B3 Mobile App and website login for full details viewing.



  • Access new features/接触更多的新功能                                                                                                           

There are many upcoming advanced features of B3CAFE that can only be accessed with B3CAFE Cloud, such as E-Member, Face ID login and Touch ‘n Go eWallet etc. You don’t want to miss out!

 B3CAFE即将推出许多新功能,而这些新功能都必须在有B3CAFE云端服务的情况下才能运作,例如E-会员,Face ID扫描登入和Touch ‘n Go eWallet等等。千万别错过!